Polish chicken is also known as Paduan or Poland. The exact origin of the breed is unknown, but it is a European chicken breed. Although it is known as Poland, but it is not from Poland. The breed derived it’s name from the resemblance to the square, spreading crests...
Organic Eggs – What, How, Why and Where

Organic Eggs – What, How, Why and Where

Organic farming refers to how a farmer nurtures his land – basically, how he uses time worn practices that encourage soil and water conservation and reduces pollution instead of resorting to chemicals enhancement. So what makes an Organic Egg -Organic? Well, it is all...
Why Majority of New Entrants In Poultry Farming Go Bankrupt?


📢Funding! IFAD has opened a call for proposals for the implementation of ‘Rural Youth Employment Opportunities – Support to Integrated Agribusiness Hubs Green Agribusiness Fund’ for up to a total amount of up to US$3.5 million. See eligibility and...